A Short History of Solar Energy

Published on:
30 May 2024

While the future of solar energy couldn’t be brighter, it is important to peer into the past and remember just how far solar energy has advanced.

19th Century
It all started in 1839 with a young physicist working in France named Edmond Becquerel. Becquerel would be the first to observe and discover the phenomena known as the photovoltaic effect, which is the principle by which solar cells covert sunlight into electricity. He discovered that specific materials, when used correctly, could generate small electric currents when exposed to light.

20 years later, inspired by the previous findings of Becquerel, a mathematization named Augustin Mouchot began to register for patents on solar-powered engines, which in turn inspired inventors round the world to do the same.

The First Solar Cell
In 1954, a company by the name of Bell Laboratories used the semiconducting material silicon to create the first ever solar cell. This cell was 6% operational and is considered to be the first solar cell in history.

Race to (Solar) Space
As the 1950’s and 60s came about, the United States of America was going head-to-head with the Soviet Union to see who would be the first to make it to the moon. Solar energy became the main source of energy for the spacecrafts being launched, due to its ability to generate power even in the middle of outer space and was cemented into the world of space exploration.

The Energy Crisis
The 1970s saw a major energy crisis around the world due to the lack of fuel and the rising oil prices, forcing people to look elsewhere for new energy sources. Solar power became the lead contestant, as governments and private companies alike began investing into further research and development of the solar cells. This time period is credited to the advancement of solar energy, as well as the reduction of costs.

Solar Energy Everywhere
The 1980s and 90s saw a rise in the marketing and commercialize. As a reminder, solar energy before this time period was typically only used for the wealthier class (if that). As the manufacturing process of solar energy improved, the costs of creation declined, and it became a much easier to sell to the general public. It was during this time period that the first ever solar power plant was created.

2000s and Onward
The 21st century saw a boom of solar energy never before seen in human history, as technological advancements had continued to lower the costs of the panels while increasing their efficiency, making them an even more affordable and reliable then before.

After decades of development, the solar energy systems have developed into sleek, reliable, and affordable modes of energy production. Technologies such as solar battery storage systems have been created to make solar panels even more efficient, and solar energy became an accessible and environmentally friendly was of bringing energy into your home. At North East Solar, were here to continue the work of the inventors before you and provide our community with trustworthy, clean, and inexpensive solar energy.

We Can Help You
From installation to maintenance, we ensure your solar panel installation process is as smooth as possible. We even take care of the paperwork for you! Contact us at 0191 500 1154 or go here for your FREE personalised quote to determine how many solar panels you need for your home or business.