north east solar van

We strive to bring you the best.

Our mission is to be the go-to company in the North East for providing quality solar services to anyone, whether it’s for a business, an individual, or a large corporation.




Opening you up to a range of future benefits.

Some of these benefits include generating clean power with no carbon emissions, lower, or even zero bills, and the chance to earn some extra money by avoiding the grid costs during peak time. Not only this, but both homeowners and those who own commercial properties can enjoy a greater amount of energy security, relying less and less on the National Grid.

We won’t subject you to lengthy sales pitches, only discussions with our experienced professionals who are dedicated to helping you reach your solar energy goals, both now, and in the future.

north east solar employees putting solar panels on a domestic house
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Solar panels

Clean Power

Person Writing

Lower Bills

Woman Smiling

Extra Money

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MCS Accredited

There to reassure you that going solar is the right decision.

We are MCS accredited, which means that we have assurance from a scheme that is supported by the government’s Energy and Industrial Strategy.

It’s possible for us to survey your home completely remotely using Google Earth, and we can provide you with an initial quote and specification for the installation along with a comprehensive report detailing how long it will take for your investment to pay for itself.

Peace Of Mind

Our solar panels are protected with a 25-year guarantee.
solar panel
north east solar employees putting solar panels on a domestic house
north east solar employees putting solar panels on a domestic house

To give you extra peace of mind, our solar panels are protected with a 25-year guarantee, and our work is fully insured and covered by a 2-year guarantee.

There’s no need to stress about paperwork, we’ll do it all for you! We will also provide you with a pack containing confirmation from the National Grid that you’re connected, and that your system complies with the Building Regulations part A and Electrical Compliance part P.

Don’t worry, we’ll fully explain your system once finished, making sure you know how to make the most of it. Our Customer Online Monitoring system is also on hand to help you check that you’re making the most of your free solar energy, and that your system is working as it should.

We also provide an optional remote monitoring service, which can detect system problems and can automatically alert you to any performance improvement opportunities.

Why Choose Us

Here’s why you should choose us to provide your solar systems.

We have a skilled and experienced team

Our staff are fully trained and accredited

We have a brilliant track record

We offer competitive pricing and realistic quotes

Our work covers the North East, Scottish borders, and further afield

Our customer service is unmatched